
Sobre o Fundador

In 2009, Fernando Loureiro, founded FREEFLOW®, a school of Yoga, but above all a meeting point of experiences.
This site aims to disseminate not only the school, but also all the work produced and that goes from self-knowledge to nutrition.
Fernando Loureiro (1975-2015) left a vast repertoire of texts and thoughts that, associated with the in-depth study of the human body and nutrition, created this space where you can read and experience another way of living.

Sónia Monteiro continued Fernando's legacy, keeping the Freeflow project alive and as a tribute to this Being who contributed so much to the improvement of the lives of countless people.

Sónia Monteiro

Yoga teacher since 2001. Graduated in Sports and Physical Education by FCDEF. Master in Sports Sciences and High Competition Training.

Discover our studio and all that Freeflow has to offer

Freeflow can help you to:

a Improve your vitality

a Increase your creativity

a Expand your consciousness

a Start your Yoga training


Vitalize People and Ignite Consciences

Freeflow | Porto

Rua Vale Formoso, 284 (near Jardim da Arca d’Água) 4200-509 PORTO Tel: 915 584 428 geral@freeflow.pt

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